Dr. Rosie Milligan
The Express Yourself Hour
Tuesdays 10am Pacific 1pm Eastern

Financial Gurus, a seasoned Senior Estate Planner, Business and Credit Consultant. She also holds a
Ph.D. in Business Administration. She is sought after nationwide for her business and financial
coaching services.
She is an expert in the publishing industry, with thirty years of experience. She has authored 26
books and has published more than three hundred and fifty titles. She is also the host of a weekly live
Internet talk show, EXPRESS YOURSELF HOUR, and she is founder and director of “Black Writers
on Tour.” Contact: 323-750-3592….drrosie@aol.com
Learn more about Dr. Rosie at: www.drrosie.com
Keith Swanson was introduced to Black Internet Radio almost at it's infancy back in 2003 as a recurring guest on Keidi Obi Awadu's Falcon's Forum talk show. He was quickly invited to co-host it. He served in that capacity for nine years , the longest running program and most popular program on the LIB radio network. Known for its cutting edge news analysis and research Keidi and Keith uncovered many trends and facts unknown to to the Black Diaspora and sometimes to the chagrin to the powers that be. He now brings those skills, knowledge and vision he honed to the listeners of The Express Yourself Hour where he helps Dr. Rosie Mulligan reach out and inform people on topics of importance.

Shawannah Bordenave is a mother of three beautiful children, and a grandmother of seven wonderful grandchildren. She is an author, a life coach, a motivational speaker, My Goal Board creator, an expert real estate investor and developer. She is well known for helping people achieve their goals by utilizing My Goal Board, inspiring individuals to implement a plan of action to make their dreams become a reality.