Through our diverse family of hosts, our live programs and special broadcasts Inner Light Radio extends itself as the Healing Frequency in this time of humanity’s evolution from the mundane to limitless expansion. We believe that what we allow into our holy temples as nourishment must be scrutinized and examined for authenticity. For in the artificial environments that we live in today, food, more often than not, lacks proper nutrients.
We are fortunate to have a contingent of hosts who are also holistic health practitioners. Dr. Nathan Rabb, and India Holloway, present information designed to provoke thought and challenge the status quo.
The merging of proper dietary practices along with well-defined spiritual practices can accelerate our elevation toward enlightenment. Hosts Dr. Karen Davis-Foulks, and Ayo Handy-Kendi engage in dialogue which poses the question “why” regarding our belief systems.
Can we communicate with life/energy which exists within another realm of consciousness? Zaynabou Kaylani El Bey, probes conventionally accepted limitations regarding how and from whom information is gathered to interpret our journey along this human experience.
Navigating our path through the unfamiliar territory of cyberspace can prove perplexing and often times very frustrating. The crew of the “Create Your Holistic Lifestyle Show” explore many avenues of wellness and social trends. Climate change, spirituality, race and social trends are examined by Priestess HetHeru RaatMut
Providing social commentary on many of today’s current news and pressing issues is Dr. Tisa Muhammad, ND, Attorney Nana Gyamfi, Dr. Rosie Milligan with co-host Keith Swanson, and (New Host) Dr. T. Hasan Johnson, Phd.
Through our well-rounded programming and listener support, we believe that your experience with Inner Light Radio will be spiritually uplifting, informative and entertaining. Inner Light Radio extends its hand to all who want to elevate.