A Brief Self-Biography...
​I was born "Tisa Philippa Farrell" on a warm Wednesday morning in August in the unique city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the proud daughter of retired educators and social activist Lennox Farrell and Joan Farrell. I was raised with three loving brothers- Toussaint (Oldest: transitioned, deceased), Enaame (Physician) and Nnaumbua Farrell. ​
​ There, I was nurtured and raised in a very strong, loving and close community of people of all walks of life, all interested in uplifting and serving our people, and bringing in a world where all may live in peace, prosperity and unity... ​ Of the many invaluable lessons I have been taught, one that I have never forgotten, and as such, pattern my life after is what I was once taught by one of my many mentors, Dr. Sheila McKenzie, that a "Physician" is defined as "a natural Philosopher who teaches their patients (clients) how to heal themselves..." ​ I am a Doctor of Natural Medicine/Homeopathic Medicine with a B.S. in Orthomolecular Medicine and an A.S. in Physical Therapy. I am Certified as a Clinical Iridologist and a Certified Holistic Healthcare Consultant. Most recently I was trained in the NADA technique in Acupuncture. ​ To put it simply- I am a Womb Worker, a Womb Wellness Consultant and a Womb Warrior- working daily to heal myself in order that I might assist all women with keeping and healing their wombs, as we collectively heal our families, our communities, our world and ultimately this beautiful Wombniverse!~​
I have been honored to work with various healers including, but not limited to, Dr. Llaila O. Afrika, Dr. Leelamma Nielsen, Dr. Sheila McKenzie, Queen Afua, Dr. ChinzeRa Kahina, Tisha Mecham, Queen Maasht Am Amen, Yirser Ra Hotep, Talmie de Shimadai to name a few... ​ ​​Lastly, I would like to state that of all I have been blessed to study, of all those I have been blessed to work with, study under, etc., the greatest of my accomplishments thus far has been to be a mother of seven children, and the greatest of my studies has been to that of the lesson of life. ​ Currently I am focusing on establishing my music, writing and books designed to bring about a greater change in the lives of others.
~ Tisa Muhammad For more info: http://www.aprwi.com/